Duke Global Executive MBA Student Blog
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Turning the Pandemic Into a Live Case Study
I’ve always been interested in the intersection of government and business, and how these interactions compared across different countries, cultures, and political and economic systems.

Gaining a Unique Health Care Perspective at HSM Bootcamp
Every year, the Duke Health Sector Management (HSM) program hosts Bootcamp, a week-long intensive course for Daytime and Executive MBA students. During this week, current and future health care leaders receive a comprehensive overview of the industry, from providers to insurers, to medical devices to innovation and venture capital

Health Sector Management Around the World
Duke's Fuqua School of Business offers a unique program for those interested in health care—the Health Sector Management (HSM) Certificate. The HSM Certificate supplements the MBA curriculum with additional courses in health care to prepare students for management and leadership roles in a variety of health sectors, such as medical device, consulting, banking, pharmaceutical, venture capital, biotechnology, entrepreneurial, and health systems

How Distance Learning Works in the Cross Continent MBA
Before I started the program, I was curious as to how the distance learning portion would work in between class residencies. I knew that a majority of assignments would be team-based and that my teammates would be located all over the globe, but I hadn’t experienced the challenges of working across different time zones

Extreme Accounting Makeover: Katherine Schipper Edition
Thanks to the reality TV show we know how the script goes. Everyone gathers as the project is kicked off, some tears are shed, what’s known is destroyed, more tears are shed. Work is done around the clock. Then everyone goes away and returns only to see the miraculous and impressive finished product