Duke Global Executive MBA Student Blog
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Mind Mapping My Way to an MBA and Beyond
I put getting an MBA on my mind map—and here I am, about to graduate with the Global Executive MBA Class of 2024.

Staying Focused and Positive in an Executive MBA Program
Between school, work, and personal obligations, staying focused and positive in an executive MBA program is a challenge, but it’s not impossible if you have the right mindset.

Tactical Leadership: Applying Special Forces Training to Corporate Challenges
Our world needs great leaders more than ever, and I am confident Duke will give me and others the tools and network to become what the moment calls for.

Redefining ROI: Investing in More Than Just Financial Gains
My decision to pursue my MBA required a fresh perspective on return on investment, one that transcends traditional financial metrics.

Unveiling the Treasures of Thailand and Making Memories
After three weeks of classes and pre-residency preparation, my Global Executive MBA classmates and I descended on the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand.

How We Approached the Random Things Essay
The admissions process is all about showcasing an applicant’s greatest strengths, interests and values.

The Gift of Being Admitted as Your Authentic Self is Priceless
Being admitted after showing up as your true self is a priceless gift that can only be given to those who strive to be authentic.

Connecting With My Southeast Asian Roots in Bangkok
For most of my life, I chose to accept my mixed heritage, but I never really felt I had a cultural identity to fully embrace.

Discovering a New Passion During Our Bangkok Residency
Muay Thai has helped me connect to my Southeast Asian roots I had a hard time identifying with before.