Duke Global Executive MBA Student Blog
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3 Ways To Prioritize Personal and Professional Goals
When life is pulling us in many different directions, it’s easy to get distracted by the many things on our to-do list.

Being a Beginner Again: Embracing Vulnerability and Growth in Business School
As I embarked on my MBA journey, I found myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions: stress, doubt, fear, and uncertainty.

Our Journey From Global MBA to Global Impact
As I reflect on our journey, we recognize that our hearts for humanity transformed a mere academic pursuit into a powerful force for positive transformation.

Staying Focused and Positive in an Executive MBA Program
Between school, work, and personal obligations, staying focused and positive in an executive MBA program is a challenge, but it’s not impossible if you have the right mindset.

Unveiling the Treasures of Thailand and Making Memories
After three weeks of classes and pre-residency preparation, my Global Executive MBA classmates and I descended on the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand.

Connecting With My Southeast Asian Roots in Bangkok
For most of my life, I chose to accept my mixed heritage, but I never really felt I had a cultural identity to fully embrace.

Discovering a New Passion During Our Bangkok Residency
Muay Thai has helped me connect to my Southeast Asian roots I had a hard time identifying with before.

My Rewarding Journey at Duke and How I Got Here
An integral part of my time at Fuqua has been interacting and spending several weeks with people from backgrounds and cultures I’d never met before.