Duke Global Executive MBA Student Blog
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How To Survive Family Life During an EMBA
Any EMBA program will put a strain on your family and relationship with your partner. But is it possible to mitigate the strain, and is it worth it
Lessons I’ve Learned as an International Student
I’ve always wanted to push my limits and stretch my boundaries while staying true to my values. Fuqua turned out to be a perfect platform for me to do just that
How the Duke MBA is Preparing Me for the Next Step in My Career
Why go back to earn an MBA? Why now? Why Fuqua? These are some of the questions I received when deciding to pursue an MBA midway through my career.
10 Things I Learned in the Program
Choosing to pursue an MBA is a life-altering decision. It usually involves spending quite some time looking at a program’s coursework, class size and composition, and school ranking among many other things
Great Company and Conversations in the Cigar Club
The Duke Cigar Club, established by our class in late 2016, was one of Duke’s formally recognized “non-essential” academic clubs. It was certainly the indulgent and extravagant type
Your MBA Cohort Makes Everything Click
With some time to reflect, I can say that despite the long hours during our residencies and the intensity of the distance learning portion, the one constant of my MBA has been my smart, interesting, and diverse classmates.
Club Spotlight: Social Impact
Professional clubs in the program provide students with the opportunity to gain academic and industry knowledge in addition to career management skills around a particular professional area. These professional clubs are managed by students and supported by the Executive MBA programs staff and Career Management Center
Gaining a Unique Health Care Perspective at HSM Bootcamp
Every year, the Duke Health Sector Management (HSM) program hosts Bootcamp, a week-long intensive course for Daytime and Executive MBA students. During this week, current and future health care leaders receive a comprehensive overview of the industry, from providers to insurers, to medical devices to innovation and venture capital