Duke MQM Student Blog
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The MQM Marketing Track Allowed Me to Pursue My Passion for Technology
A big reason as to why I chose the Master of Quantitative Management (MQM) program was the ability to dive deep into a particular area of business.
A Year Full of Leadership Opportunities
I have always been passionate about engaging in extracurricular activities and serving in whatever community I find myself.
How an MQM Competition Helped Me Explore Voting and Social Issues in the U.S.
The Spring Term 1 Master of Quantitative Management (MQM) Competition is a data visualization competition where students use data to communicate and analyze problems. Alongside my teammates, Yiqi He and Selina Zhou, I participated in the competition to explore racial disparity in the United States.
Reflections on Graduating During the Pandemic
Graduating during the pandemic after completing my master’s degree from my bedroom was certainly not how I pictured my final moments in the MQM program. However, those last few months brought forth a unique learning experience.
A Data Challenge from Adobe and Major League Baseball
Last fall, I had the absolute honor of representing Fuqua and Duke as a finalist in the Adobe Analytics Challenge. I was flown out to Adobe’s headquarters in San Jose, California, to present our big ideas in front of a panel of judges and a live audience.
Shifting to Online Classes During the Pandemic
Now that we've graduated and most of my MQM classmates and I have entered our permanent vacations from academia, I can honestly say—I miss online classes.
What Differentiates the Forensics Track?
As a student who just graduated from the Forensics track, I want to share a few insights to help you understand more about it