Duke MQM Student Blog
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MQM to Accelerated MBA: Why I Returned to Fuqua
It is evident to me that returning to Fuqua feels like coming back to a second home—a place where I am known, valued, and supported.

Three Courses Crucial to My Success as a Data Scientist
The fun part of my role as a data scientist involves talking with different people who have varying degrees of data literacy.

Working as a Business Intelligence Analyst
For the first time, I realized that I could have a career that I could enjoy just as much as a hobby.

Leveraging My Data Analytics Skills in The Workplace
While I didn’t specifically target startups in my initial job search after graduation, I am so happy with where I ended up.

How I Apply Classroom Learnings in My Investment Management Career
The MQM program prepared me to tackle interesting investment challenges at work and the wide array of opportunities that would be available to me upon graduation.

Thriving in the Startup Space
The MQM program equipped me with the skills necessary to hold my own in a fast-paced, results-oriented work culture.

My Favorite MQM Classes
The Business Communication and Data Visualization classes helped me to spend more time thinking and practicing how to present data analytics results.

Our Corporate Project: “The Icing on a Challenging Cake”
We were the first set of students to ever complete the degree online. COVID and its by-products were threatening to define our final experiences at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business.