Duke Weekend Executive MBA Student Blog
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Women’s Leadership Weekend Helped Me Visualize My Future at Fuqua
Team Fuqua challenges me professionally, and academically every day, while providing a support system with the ultimate goal of creating better leaders.

Am I Too Old To Be a Student?
As happens in life, you start with a clear picture of what direction you wish to take, and then one slight detour leads to another until you find yourself somewhere you never imagined.

Examples of Our “Random Things”
The “10 Random Things” essay is a unique way for Fuqua’s Admissions team to genuinely get to know applicants.

My Admissions Experience: From Applicant to Student in a Matter of Weeks
Embarking on the Weekend Executive MBA program after a remarkably swift admissions experience was undeniably exhilarating.

Why We Wanted To Be Admissions Liaisons
Not only do we experience the power of teams as we progress through our classes, but we work in teams to accomplish our extracurricular goals as well.

Operation MBA: A Veteran’s Struggle with Imposter Syndrome
The truth is that every student, regardless of their military background, may have feelings of uncertainty going into an MBA program.

Why I Chose Duke’s Executive MBA Over Full-Time Programs
Many decide to go back to school after realizing that in order to grow their careers in the long term, they need to make drastic changes today—develop new skills, grow their network and gain exposure to potential employers.