Duke Weekend Executive MBA Student Blog
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My Residency Routine: How I Switch Gears from Professional to Student
Once a month, I get to switch gears from professional to student, and I do that on the drive to Durham for residencies.

What Inspired Our First Class Service Project
Altogether, we raised more than $4,000 to fund the Rise Against Hunger meal kits.

A Day in My Life During an Elective Residency
A busy day during an elective residency starts with an early run with my Weekend Executive MBA classmates.

The Value of In-Person Residencies
The ability to work and study together on campus was an experience that was invaluable to my time in the program.

Aspiring for Authenticity as an Executive MBA Student
As I looked ahead to a full term of new classes, a demanding schedule at work and a long list of summer activities for my toddlers, I wondered how I’d manage it all.

Inspiring More Women to Pursue an MBA
I remember a few years ago when I began considering this process, I had no women colleagues who had even considered pursuing an MBA.

Forming Lifelong Friendships Over Residency
When I decided to go back to school for my MBA, I had three goals: improve my leadership skills, expand my knowledge of business, and meet new people.

Accepting Imperfect Timing
When it comes to going back to school, the monster of imperfect timing rears its head and then offers many excuses.

Tips for Networking Within the Fuqua Community
The greatest strength of the Weekend Executive MBA program is what you can gain from really getting to know your classmates. Here’s how I recommend tapping into the power of that network.

My Top 5 Experiences in Fuqua’s Weekend Executive MBA Program
Stepping foot onto the Duke campus for the first time is awe-inspiring. Even though we’re only there for the weekends, visiting such a beautiful and historic campus still leaves an impression on you.