Going back to school is a big decision, but sometimes it’s exactly what you need to start a new career path. Our students have been there. Here they describe, in their own words, how they changed careers with an executive MBA.  

A team supporting your dream

Career Coaches Provide Invaluable Support (WEMBA)

Career Coaches Provide Invaluable SupportJenny and Meredith, one of the CMC's career coaches, sitting in the JB Duke Hotel lobby
Career Coaches Provide Invaluable Support
Fuqua's Career Management Center (CMC) is comprised of a dedicated team that is known to be successful in guiding students toward career paths and matching them with potential employersread more ❯

My Career Path to the Technology Industry (GEMBA)

My Career Path to the Technology IndustryA woman standing in front of a map; career path
My Career Path to the Technology Industry
This is the story of how I changed my career trajectory from oil and gas operations to technology product management.read more ❯

A Career Transition During My MBA (GEMBA)

A Career Transition During My MBAA student wearing a blue hat and facemask; transition during my MBA
A Career Transition During My MBA
I would immediately be putting lessons from my MBA program to use in the most difficult of circumstances. read more ❯

Tooling your career success for a lifetime

Duke, the Turning Point of My Life (GEMBA)

Duke, the Turning Point of My LifeEda with a dozen classmates at a Fuqua reunion
Duke, the Turning Point of My Life
Everyone can remember the time when his or her life made a U-turn. Mine was when I enrolled at Duke.read more ❯

Changing Jobs During an Executive MBA (WEMBA)

Changing Jobs During an Executive MBAa student sitting in a hallway, working on his laptop; changing jobs during an executive MBA
Changing Jobs During an Executive MBA
How I can balance a job promotion or job change in the middle of an MBA? Should I? Can I?read more ❯

2020 vs. 2021: How Everything Changed and I Landed My Dream Job (GEMBA)

2020 vs. 2021: How Everything Changed and I Landed My Dream JobGina and seven classmates in graduation gowns posing in front of Duke Chapel
2020 vs. 2021: How Everything Changed and I Landed My Dream Job
With the help of Fuqua, I was able to find my dream job, pivot into a role I never would have applied to in the first place, and work at a company I am passionate about.read more ❯