I hail from Columbus, Ohio, where my career in finance has been both rewarding and illuminating. Over the years, I’ve developed a strong foundation in strategic initiatives and process improvements, always with an eye on how operational efficiency can drive business success. My professional journey has been defined by a series of strategic roles where I’ve championed efficiency and innovation within cross-functional teams.

As I pivot in my career, I find myself captivated by the world of technology, particularly big data and artificial intelligence. These fields represent the cutting edge of our future, and I am passionate about the myriad ways they can transform industries and redefine how we approach problem-solving and decision-making. I am currently channeling this interest into an exciting new phase, where I am eagerly anticipating the countless opportunities that await.

My ongoing MBA studies at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business are the catalyst for this transformation, providing me with a deeper dive into strategic management and opening doors to new possibilities. As I continue to explore this new territory, I am making a significant move to Bangkok, Thailand. While there, I aim to delve into independent consulting, leveraging my experience in finance and my growing expertise in tech to offer innovative solutions to clients. This move isn’t just a change in location—it’s a leap into a new chapter of professional growth and personal discovery.