Impressive GE Exec Addresses Students

Beth Comstock, Sr. Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer for General Electric, kicked off Fuqua’s 2011 Distinguished Speaker Series (DSS) to a packed house. Beth delivered an inspiring speech about the role and value of marketers in the business world, the future of innovation at GE, and the value of innovation to the business world as a whole.

Beth Comstock and Bill Boulding
Beth Comstock chats with Dean Bill Boulding.

Beth really emphasized how marketing can drive innovation, which only served to fuel my passion to move into marketing and brand management. Finally, Beth spoke about how to control your own destiny and craft your career to best cater to your passions and skill set.

Beth Comstock
Beth was a passionate and animated speaker.

Some of Beth’s notable quotes:

“Innovation is not dead. It requires collaboration, creativity, and focusing on profits with purpose.”

“At GE, there are 4 I’s of Marketing: Integration, Implementation, Instigation (by agitating in exciting ways), and Innovation.”

“Often the best opportunities come when you least expect it, so keep your eyes open to possibilities around you.”

“Package yourself well and remain confident.”

“You’re the boss of you. Only you can control your own destiny, so if you feel something is right, be confident in your decisions, and just go for it.”

A bit in awe, I kept realizing during her speech that she is one of the most influential individuals at GE. I also related to her because she is a woman. She navigated effectively in a male-dominated industry to achieve an executive level position – something that I know women battle even today, and it’s an issue that I’m particularly passionate about (and will definitely address in future posts).

These DSS events are inspirational. It’s amazing to hear from individuals who have achieved so much in their careers. They speak firsthand about their experiences, their career progression, and key insights about their particular industries and job functions.