When I was applying to business schools, I was searching for a program that would allow me to explore my interest in the connection between businesses and the environment. I wanted to transition from a career in financial services to something that I felt would allow me to make more of an impact. I chose to focus on energy, and I chose Fuqua for three main reasons: academics, extracurricular opportunities, and the community.


I’m completing a three-year dual degree at Duke, adding a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) from the Nicholas School of the Environment to my MBA at Fuqua. The MEM/MBA degree program has allowed me to deep-dive into energy and environment coursework at the Nicholas School, building my knowledge of the energy industry across interdisciplinary topics including science, technology, policy, economics, and quantitative analysis.

At Fuqua, I have focused on finance and accounting courses to strengthen my technical skills. I have also been able to take classes at the Pratt School of Engineering and the Duke School of Law, rounding out my understanding of a complex industry.

Extracurricular Opportunities

Within and beyond the walls of Fuqua, there are many organizations that support students on campus who have an interest in energy. Between Fuqua’s MBA Energy Club and the Center for Energy, Development and the Global Environment (EDGE), and Duke’s Energy Initiative and other cross-campus student organizations, there are always speakers, educational events, and networking opportunities available to students who want to learn more and get involved. Energy Week and the Duke University Energy Conference are only two of the many events that bring together students, professionals, and faculty to discuss the major challenges and changes facing the energy industry today.


At the business school, you have a very supportive and ambitious community to motivate you to do and learn more. The MEM/MBA community truly illustrates the values of Team Fuqua. I have built relationships with peers and alumni who have supported me throughout my time here, and who I know will continue to be close friends and mentors after I graduate.

Choosing the MEM/MBA degree has allowed me to pursue my passion for the energy industry and share it with other students who want to make an impact both during and after our time at Duke.