I was born and raised in Washington, D.C., and spent my childhood as a junior Olympic gymnast, a black belt in taekwondo, and as an explorer of the National Zoo across the street from my house—which is likely where I developed a lingering enthusiasm for the environment. On my fifteenth birthday I left home for Andover, a boarding school in Massachusetts where I spent some of the most enchanted years of my life.

Why an MBA?

I was particularly interested in sustainable development in college (international affairs major, anthropology minor), but was dismayed to find out that the success rate of such projects was staggeringly low, under 20 percent. Looking for a better way to make an impact, I explored the business world as a client relationship manager at a high tech company and an advisory firm. The need for an MBA became clear when I found myself compelled by the promise of an emerging industry—renewable energy—as an economic mechanism for driving a win-win future with greater productivity, lower costs, and progress against climate change.

Why Fuqua?

I came into business school with a clear purpose. Fuqua not only satisfied the need for an outstanding foundation in business, but also offered a strong community of energy enthusiasts, relationships with prestigious employers, and resources to support my interests. Even so, it wasn’t until I visited and felt the Team Fuqua spirit that I knew Fuqua was an ideal match.

3 of My 25 Fun Facts

  1. I’m half Korean and half Irish. Some people tell me that means I don’t belong anywhere, but I’ve never found that to be true. I am lucky to be who I am and be welcomed and accepted by so many.
  2. My high school varsity diving coach was the most eccentric lady I ever met. She was terrified of bridges, threw oranges at us when we dove poorly and matched her watch band to her shoes. But she was a peerless coach and you could feel her love come through even when she called us by creative monikers like “Barbie on crack”…which was often.
  3. I truly dislike cinnamon and pizza. The most common reaction to this from others is to ask whether I am actually American, or to tell me we can no longer be friends.