Hey everyone! So excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the Fuqua blog. I love writing and I’m really looking forward to sharing my Fuqua journey with you. I hope that my posts provide you with an insightful view of the MMS program and life at Fuqua and Duke.

My academic and professional background is in emerging markets, and following the MMS program, I hope to pursue a career in business development and strategy consulting. I’d love to work and live internationally, and I’m excited to discover the opportunities which lie ahead.

I graduated from Princeton University in 2010 with a degree in economics, focusing on emerging markets. Following graduation, I spent a year with Google in Ghana, expanding the scope of the University Programs Initiative and assisting small and medium sized businesses to leverage online tools to improve their businesses. I decided to pursue the MMS degree because I wanted the opportunity to gain solid foundational business skills from a rigorous and globally focused program and I found Fuqua to be the perfect fit.

The experience has been phenomenal so far. It’s been full of challenges and I’ve already learned so much and met amazing faculty. Beyond academics, one of the strengths of the program is its focus on the value of team work and collaborative thinking. I’ve met wonderful people with a broad array of backgrounds and experiences. The program does truly embrace people of all backgrounds and the team environment means help is always available. One of the most challenging courses during the Summer Term was accounting, most of my peers had no background in it, but the few who did made sure that everyone pulled through.

Welcome again to the MMS blog and I’m looking forward to an exciting year ahead.