No two days are the same in this program. Some days are crazy busy, while some are less packed. It all depends on what term you’re in and what activities you’ve signed up for. For example, Summer Term 1 was the craziest so far and Fall Term 2 (our third term) was the most relaxed so far. But to give you a general idea of what to expect, here’s an example of two days in my life — these schedules are real. One is for a particularly packed day and the another is for a less busy day.

Busy Day – A Typical Wednesday
There are no classes on Wednesdays

11:00-12:00: MMS blog editorial meeting

12:00-1:15: Lunch

1:15-2:00: Meet with Helen, my career coach. (She is awesome. She put me in touch with a Cross Continent MBA who works for a company that I applied to.)

4:00-5:00: Finish sample strategy final problem set

5:00-6:00: Strategy class review session

6:30- 8:00: Team meeting for strategy class to work on a paper

9:00-11:00: Make PowerPoint slides for a presentation on North Korea for strategy class

11:00-12:30: Finish PowerPoint slides for team presentation in Business Communications II class

Less Busy Day – A Typical Friday

10:00-11:30: Finish strategy class assignment

11:40-12:15: Lunch

12:15-2:30: Strategy class

2:30-5:00: Prepare for informational interview and finish assignments that are due on Monday

5:00-6:00: Informational interview with a Fuqua alumnus

7:00- 1:00: Cook Korean food for friends and go out downtown

NOTE: I’m the Secretary of the Fashion & Luxury Goods Club and a member of the Marketing Club. Also, I never go to the gym. If you’re into working out and you sign up for more extracurricular activities, then you’ll be much busier!