Duke MMS Student Blog
Dear Prospective Student:
A little over one year ago I was in your shoes, applying to the MMS program and trying to decide if it was the best fit for me. I’ve written several blog posts on my insights into the program and my experiences thus far. But I thought this time I’d write a letter with some of the questions I’ve heard from people who are applying to the MMS program (and keep in mind that the final application deadline is on May 17, just over a month away! Learn more on the MMS website.)
How is/was your MMS experience different from your undergrad experience?
Just like in undergrad, Fuqua demands that you remain focused and that you manage your time effectively. The largest difference I’ve found, however is that as a master’s degree candidate, in a graduate school setting, a higher level of maturity and personal responsibility is required. Unlike your undergraduate experience, where for the most part you and your peers shared similar backgrounds, at Fuqua you’re surrounded by professionals and professors with a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences.
What is your take on the true meaning of “Team Fuqua”? And is it a fact or myth?
It is definitely a fact. Team Fuqua has been a consistent part of my MMS experience from day one. The team spirit at Fuqua extends beyond classroom assignments – it is evident in our support of each others’ interests, our ability to come together to support initiatives for our community, and to just have fun.
What is your favorite part of MMS?
My favorite part of the program has been my extracurricular experiences. These have included working with the other students of color in the program to create the Black Students’ Association (BSA), participating in fundraising initiatives with the MMS Non-Profit Club and working with a classmate to enter the DukeGEN Start-Up Competition. I think these have been my favorite parts of the program because they reflect the school’s commitment to promoting diversity of backgrounds and interests, even outside of a structured classroom setting. This diversity and this sense of community create an extremely welcoming environment.
How has the MMS program better prepared you for your future?
Beyond the maturity I already mentioned, the program has also pushed me to link what I’m learning in the classroom to real-life situations. As an undergraduate I believe there is a tendency to separate the academic world from reality, but Fuqua is really great at bridging that gap.
I really hope that you consider Fuqua among your top choices and if you’ve already applied, best of luck!