It has been a hectic month! I moved two weeks ago, during our Term 4 final exam period, from NC to NJ. I’m still commuting back and forth to NC for work. At the same time, I’m looking for a job that’s closer to my new home. We have welcomed an au pair and are getting the kids acclimated to our new community before my wife begins her doctorate program in August. The move has made me realize and appreciate how much the Weekend Executive program has helped me grow. I feel more efficient and productive than ever! I often find myself wondering what I used to do with all the time that I never realized I had.

The program continues to move along as well. We are gearing up for Term 5, and the first residency is next weekend. We’re also forming teams for our Term 6 electives, which we will take along with Cross Continent MBA students. I am excited for both terms which will likely fly by! Term 5 includes an intensive Leadership, Ethics, and Organizations class, which is a continuation of what we learned back in Term 1. I’m excited about focusing on leadership again because I credit the program’s team and leadership focus for driving my growth, productivity, and effectiveness. Plus, as part of pre-reading, we get to analyze leadership styles by watching movies including “Band of Brothers,” “The King’s Speech,” and “Invictus”… I can handle that! (Check out the Weekend Executive Curriculum page for additional details about our classes.)

On the job front, I made it through three rounds of interviews with my target company and am scheduled for my final round in about two weeks. It has been a stressful process, but a 2010 Weekend Executive alumnus and Fuqua’s Career Management Center have been fantastic in helping me prepare for the interviews. Keep your fingers crossed for me, and talk to you soon!