I recently participated in Accepted.com’s Duke Fuqua Admissions Q&A with my colleague Catherine Tuttle, Associate Program Director in the Career Management Center, and second-year Daytime student Alon Gorbonos.

The Q&A was broadcasted online and prospective students sent in questions, which we answered in real-time. We responded to specific questions about the application process, career services, academics, and the student experience. It was a great opportunity to not only interact with future Fuquans, but also with Catherine and Alon. Just one example of how, as members of Team Fuqua, we work across functions to build strong partnerships among the administration and students.

Check out the full transcript (text and audio available).

Unfortunately, we received a couple questions that we didn’t have time to answer. My responses are below:

Is there a way to conduct an open interview if the applicant is abroad?

No. The Open Interview Season is intended to allow people who have a deep interest in Duke to couple their interview with a campus visit early in the application period. We understand that not all applicants can make the trip to campus, so we support interviews around the world throughout the remainder of the interview season.

For a long time now, I have been fascinated by human psychology, while being interested in consulting as a career, and aside from wanting to pursue a dual concentration in strategy and decision sciences, would I be able to take additional courses in psychology (or other courses)?

Students are welcome to take graduate-level courses at other Duke schools for elective credit. Students must meet the prerequisites for these courses, and must receive prior approval from our registrar for the course(s).

We have a flexible curriculum that allows for almost a year and a half of elective courses, and during this time, our students certainly take advantage of the fact that Duke has top graduate programs across many disciplines. Courses at other Duke schools that are popular with Fuqua students are often cross-listed and offered on Fuqua’s academic calendar. For those that are not, students must plan ahead in terms of scheduling because while Fuqua is on a term schedule, other Duke schools are on a semester system. So, a non-Fuqua course may not necessarily align with the student’s schedule at Fuqua.