Duke Daytime MBA Student Blog
Q and A with Kim, Part 6

Where did the name “Fuqua” come from?
First, let’s talk about how to pronounce “Fuqua.” It’s Fuequa as opposed to Fooqua. Get it? Ok, great!
Now take a look at the story of J.B. Fuqua, for whom the school is named. He decided to give back to the school that helped him improve his education by sending him library materials in the mail before he made it big in business. It’s really a unique story and we try to make it a part of the tour when students come to visit!
What is it like being on the Admissions Travel Team?
It’s awesome! This year I went on four trips with Russell Davis and Meghan Leypoldt, who are members of the Admissions Department. We went to some really great cities including Chicago (twice), Dallas, and Miami. It really didn’t interfere with my class schedule because we would typically leave on Tuesday afternoons after classes were done, and come back on Wednesdays (an “off” day at Fuqua because there are no classes). We conducted information sessions, did Q&As, and met one-on-one with a lot of really eager and interesting prospective students. It was great to get to know the Admissions staff better, and we even got to spend some quality time with one of Fuqua’s great marketing professors, Carl Mela. Carl did a short presentation in Chicago, and attendees asked questions to get an inside look at some of his research and the topics he discusses in his Product Management class.
Every year, there are usually about 5 or so second-year students who are selected to be on the Admissions Travel Team. We all completed an application and did presentation try-outs for the role. I was extremely excited to be selected, and the Travel Team is a great complement to my ongoing experience this year as an Admissions Ambassador.
As an Admissions Ambassador, I conduct on-campus interviews as part of the admissions process to the Daytime MBA program, and I even do Skype interviews with applicants to the MMS program. I love making students feel welcome at Fuqua, answering their questions, learning about what makes them a great fit for the school, and finding out what they plan to do as a part of the MBA class of 2014. (Just so you know, I get to see their resumes beforehand, but other than that, the interview is blind and that’s all their information I see throughout the process). I love being a part of the personal contact portion of the application process, and it’s such a great feeling to be able to get a firsthand look at candidates for the new MBA class!