If you’re a Latin American thinking about business school, I can tell you that pursuing an MBA abroad is a life-changing experience that will open your eyes in ways you have never imagined.

But let’s be honest. The road is not easy. Every day will be full of new challenges and learning experiences that will push you out of your comfort zone. Your future classmates will play a key role in supporting you and guiding you throughout this journey. So finding the right school for you is THE most important step in your application process.

Fuqua has strong Latin American community—maybe one of the most robust and engaged among U.S. business schools. When you combine recent first- and second-year classes it adds up to a group of more than 100 MBA students from at least 10 different countries in the region. As part of the Latin American Student Association (LASA), my classmates and I have taken advantage of the growing Latin American community at Fuqua to support all candidates from the region during the application process.

Our main goal is to help you learn more about Team Fuqua by connecting you with a diverse group of students and alumni who are really excited to share their personal and professional experiences with you. Here are three LASA initiatives that will help smooth your application process.

Connect with a country representative

First, LASA has a designated team of country representatives, one per country, who are thrilled to talk about their experiences at Fuqua. Reach out to them early in your process and they will tell you all you need to know about the MBA and how amazing life is in Durham, and additionally answer questions about the application process. Remember that they went through the same process recently, so you can learn a great deal from their successes and mistakes.

Do you have more specific questions? Want to learn more about how to land a job in financial engineering or activities for your partner in Durham? No problem! Our country reps can leverage our massive Latin American network to hook you up with a student with your same interests, hobbies or career paths.

Let us know if you’re visiting campus

Second, if you are planning a campus visit, we encourage you to let us know in advance. LASA can help you find accommodations at students’ houses, schedule airport pick-ups, connect you with Fuquans from your home country, accompany you to classes you’re observing, organize dinners and coffee chats to introduce you to the community, and much more. You just need to tell us when you are coming and we will help you have an unforgettable visit!

Join us in Latin America

Third, LASA hosts informal gatherings during winter break (around mid-December) in several Latin American countries which typically include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. These meetings will connect you with students who have returned home for the holiday season, alumni and potential classmates that have already been admitted. This is particularly valuable if you are not able to visit Fuqua as this is one of the few opportunities you will have to exchange experiences face-to-face with Fuqua’s students and alumni back home.

As you can see, there are several ways to learn more about Fuqua. Our whole Latin American community is excited to hear from you. The sooner you discover where you want to pursue your MBA, the easier the admissions process will be. Start today by reaching out to Admissions and/or LASA directly here!