Duke Daytime MBA Student Blog
Why Visiting Fuqua and Attending Blue Devil Weekend is Invaluable

Although I have been at Fuqua for only a few months—a short time frame by most business school standards—I feel like I have made the best decision of my life.
I initially applied to the MBA program at Duke for a number of reasons—for example, its outstanding reputation in academics and the strength of its career services. However, when it came to ultimately choosing a school to attend, what really did it for me was making the trip across the pond to visit Fuqua. After three days at Blue Devil Weekend (aka BDW), the event Admissions hosts for admitted students, I found the decision incredibly easy to make.
As I boarded the airplane from cold, rainy London, I had no idea what was in store for me. I certainly did not expect a jam-packed two days of information, laughter, some more information, and a truly great time.
Day one kicked off with a lunch event hosted by the Association of Women in Business—Fuqua’s professional development club for female students. It was a highly informative session with plenty of insight on the different types of career development events hosted by the club.

Fast forward a few hours and past a series of talks on life at Fuqua, I found myself standing in the Duke Basketball Museum and Sports Hall of Fame, learning about Duke’s legendary basketball history. Oh, and it helped that Duke had won the NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship the week before so the atmosphere on campus was absolutely electric. The day closed with a real Duke MBA experience—Fuqua Friday. This is a weekly tradition where students, faculty and administration at Fuqua all kick back with a beer and get to know one another better.

I thought day one would be hard to top, but day two did not disappoint. We heard from Fuqua Dean Bill Boulding, who welcomed us to the school. Later on in the day, we were given the opportunity to truly appreciate the MBA experience by attending a lecture of our choice (I went for managerial economics) and an intimate session on recruiting in the industry of our choice.
Looking back, I’m so glad I took the time to personally experience the culture of each of the schools I was considering. Over the two-day experience of Blue Devil Weekend, I fell in love with everything about Fuqua—especially the people, many of whom are now my good friends.
The few months here at Fuqua have felt like an extension of that Blue Devil Weekend experience. Each and every day I’m learning a huge amount, I’m meeting new people, and I’m exposing myself to new cultures. Quite simply, I’m having the time of my life.