I am one of the rare North Carolina natives here at Fuqua. I was born and raised in Kinston, NC, home to grand coastal plains and BBQ. I graduated from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) in 2010 with a degree in economics, and though I am hounded for it every day here at Duke, I do still love my Tar Heels. I constantly get the “surprised face” when I say that I’ve lived in North Carolina my entire life. I actually thought that I would try to make a location change for business school, but my personal drivers and Fuqua’s values aligned too perfectly for me to make any other choice. I can’t deny that North Carolina is an amazing state, where almost anything is possible.
Pre-Fuqua: After graduating from UNC, I spent four years working for Bank of America in Charlotte, NC. I worked with the Global Wealth and Investment Management Group doing high net worth lending, and also worked for Planning and Control Finance.
I came to business school to gain a more comprehensive perspective of business; I came to Fuqua to make that experience transformational. Fuqua’s teamwork values aligned perfectly with my desires to make an impact in my career, and so far, I have not been disappointed.
Fuqua Involvement: I’m currently the first-year marketing and communications chair of BLMBAO (Black and Latino MBA Organization) and an active member of the Consulting Club. In the spring, I will be traveling to South Africa to work on an education consulting project with FCCP (Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum) and hopefully attending a GATE trip led by classmates later in the year.