I’m from California, and I was in the business of empowerment and development for the seven years prior to Fuqua. After graduating from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), I taught in Connecticut with Teach For America before moving abroad to Madrid, Spain, as a Fulbright grantee. More recently, I transitioned from the classroom to managing programs with the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and a Fabrication Laboratory with the San Francisco 49ers in Silicon Valley.

As a first-year MBA at Fuqua, I’m loving all the core classes and finding myself especially interested in marketing, strategy, and leadership work. When not meeting up with my incredible learning team to talk through a case for finance class, you’ll find me enjoying coffee with my classmates in the Fox Center or J.B. Duke Hotel, sprint-walking down the hallway of flags to my next Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum meeting, or jogging through the Sarah P. Duke Gardens with my partner, Chris.

Fun Facts

  • I went to Durham High School—in California. The same Durham family for whom Durham, North Carolina, is named actually made it out to a small town in northern California. You could say coming to Fuqua was fate!
  • Prior to finding my pathway in education, I dreamt of being a dolphin trainer. Until my junior year at UCSB, I studied marine biology and zoology (and have a stingray scar to prove it). It’s still a passion, and to date I’ve spent 400-plus hours volunteering in aquariums.
  • The notoriously steep streets of San Francisco have made me a master parallel parker.
  • Give me half an hour, and I can 3D scan your countenance, import and vectorize the image on CorelDRAW, toolpath it using VCarve Pro, and mill a bust out of wood for your desk.
  • The worm and robot are my moves of choice, although dancing the Jitterbug won me an award back in the day.