Duke MMS Student Blog
Business Gets Social
In early September, Fuqua’s Center for Technology, Entertainment, and Media (CTEM) sponsored the First Annual Technology, Entertainment, and Media Deep Dive, focusing on the world of social media. The event explored the interaction between businesses and social media outlets – where it all started and where it’s going. With speakers like Fuqua’s Tony O’Driscoll, the Executive Director of CTEM, and leaders from McKinsey, Cisco, IBM, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, we heard an earful about strategies that companies use for marketing and customer outreach.
One of my favorite anecdotes was from Sandy Carter at IBM, who shared a story with us from a few years ago. She was sitting on a plane next to a big fortune 500 business exec, and asked him about social media. He laughed and said the thought of using social media to connect with customers and build a brand was the stupidest thing he had ever heard. Well, I wonder who’s laughing now.
The event was an amazing experience, and one of many industry immersion days Fuqua offers. My fellow blogger, Naresh, and I tweeted live from the event so if you’re interested in learning more check out our twitter timelines @fuquacaroline and @dukefuquanaresh.