Duke MMS Student Blog
Gaining Real-World Experience at Fuqua in the Consulting Practicum
As I researched various schools, Fuqua’s opportunity clearly differentiated it from other management programs. The core benefit of this program is that it goes beyond solely academic coursework to develop practical, technical, and communication skills.

What is FCCP?
The Fuqua Client Consulting Practicum (FCCP) is an experiential learning opportunity offered to MMS students. The mission of the FCCP program is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their business consulting skills through a real-world experience working with clients and their challenges. The consulting practicum is a graded, elective course worth three credit hours. The program runs from Fall Term 2 through Spring Term 1, so students have ample time to work with their teams and clients.
Why Did I Enroll?
Because of my undergraduate major, I did not have extensive business experience before deciding to apply to business school, so applying to a business program that emphasized career development was extremely important. As I researched various schools, Fuqua’s FCCP opportunity clearly differentiated it from other management programs. I realized that FCCP is an invaluable resume and skill-building tool. In my opinion, the core benefit of this program is that it goes beyond solely academic coursework to develop the practical, technical, and communication skills students will need to succeed in business. I will be able to leverage the real-world experience in my future interviews and once I begin my career.
Who Is My Team?
Each team is comprised of four to five MMS students with diverse backgrounds. Because of the pandemic, this year allowed for the unique opportunity for MMS: DKU students like myself to enroll in FCCP along with our MMS: FOB peers, inviting even more unique perspectives to the program. While many students in FCCP are interested in careers in consulting, the program draws from all backgrounds and career interests including marketing, finance, and strategy.
Each team works with a second-year Daytime MBA student, known as the “Engagement Manager.” Leveraging their work experience, these MBAs serve a vital role as the team’s coach, advisor, and liaison. FCCP provides a space for the Team Fuqua spirit and community to truly thrive because it integrates students both within and across the programs here at the school.
What Kind of Companies Are Involved?
Just like the students, the companies involved in the FCCP program span a wide array of business industries. Students can work with clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies to local non-profits in industries ranging from tech to human resources.
Want to learn more? Check out this previous MMS blog and these videos about the FCCP story and student perspective!