I was born and raised in a southern town in Turkey. I've been on a constant journey of striving to broaden my perspective while maintaining my roots as a Turkish person who has lived on three continents and studied in four different countries.

I had my first exposure to the U.S. when I attended a boarding school for a year in a small town in Tennessee called Bell Buckle. This experience added a whole new perspective to the way I see things and shaped the person I aspire to be in the future. I changed my plans of attending medical school to study economics and management, and I started picturing myself as a part of a multinational company, adding value to its business.

I finished my undergraduate studies at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, and completed a marketing internship in New York. My second study abroad experience was at the University of Melbourne in Australia, where I traveled to and took awesome yoga pictures in countless cities in Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia.

However, I have always focused on my personal growth while enhancing my interpersonal skills, and tried to shape my quantitative skills well. Hence, the decision to choose Fuqua's MQM program came naturally. Having no background in analytics, I could already see the change in the way I approach problems after only a few months in the program and its Marketing track.

Currently, I am trying to leverage the background I have in business analytics and start implementing these skills at a job where I can keep growing and hopefully become the person I have always aspired to be.