Every term we have lunches called “flunches,” which are lunches with faculty members, sponsored by the MMSA (the MMS Association). These lunches serve as a unique opportunity to get to know our new professors outside of the classroom. Any 5 students can sign up for each flunch, which means it’s also a great time to interact with a mix of classmates who are interested in the same classes as you. And with just 5 people, everyone has a chance to talk in these small group settings.

Flunch with Professor Mary Frances Luce.

I recently had the opportunity to have lunch with Mary Frances Luce, our Marketing Intelligence professor, and a few of my classmates who are especially interested in marketing. (Learn more about our classes.) Not only did we have a great time talking about the field of marketing, but I learned more about my classmates and my professor, too. I heard about how one classmate landed a great position with a CPG company in L.A., and I heard about why my professor is so passionate about the field she’s in. In addition, the flunches are always held in the Thomas Center (the R. David Thomas Executive Conference Center, which is named after THE Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s International, Inc.), which means that we have the opportunity to have a great tasting, complimentary lunch, too!