Strategy, finance, forensics, or marketing? This was the same question that troubled me as I went through the application process at Fuqua. But looking back now, this should not be a stressful process. The majority of classes we take in Fuqua’s Master of Quantitative Management (MQM) program are shared between tracks. You can take classes from other tracks, and you will have a variety of job opportunities across industries and functions. So don’t feel stuck by a decision you make now. I’ll share why I chose the strategy track as I went through the application process.

For my undergraduate degree, I studied economics and really enjoyed it. So I wanted to continue to use economic approaches to help address business problems through data usage. At the time of my application, I knew I wanted to use data to make a positive difference, so my goal after completing my MQM degree was to work in the pharmaceutical industry to use data to make drugs more accessible in terms of their prices and proximity to those that needed them. However, I was not sure exactly what role within analytics would help me best accomplish my goals in this industry.

As I looked at the MQM tracks again with this career goal in mind, strategy was the track that allowed me the most exploration across roles in analytics. I would be able to explore track classes that focused on econometrics, an area I already enjoyed, to think about its application to the health care industry. Another track class, Operations Analytics, which is crucial to efficacy of the health care industry behind the scenes, also intrigued me. The Strategic Management track course helped me create plans to accomplish my goals and establish tactics to implement these plans. And finally, People Analytics, helped with my goal of connecting with patients to better understand their needs and to be able to better provide the necessary drugs to them.

Through each of these track classes, I saw skills that could be extremely beneficial in accomplishing my goals within the health care industry. It felt like the best choice to explore, and where I saw myself fitting in best within an organization.

Since joining the MQM program, I have reaped immense benefits from each of my track classes and have found positions I am passionate about outside of the health care industry as well. The toolbox I have acquired can be carried to many industries and I am excited to see where these skills will take me next!

Editor’s note: Since this blog was written, the Forensics track was redesigned, and the track name was changed to Risk.