Are you considering applying to the Weekend Executive MBA program? Here are three things to help you put together the most competitive application possible!

1. Meet our community.

The best way to learn about Fuqua is to connect with our community. Each month we have a variety of virtual information sessions. Topics and formats will vary—from program overviews, student discussion panels, mock classes, or application tips—and sessions typically include a mix of presentations with live Q&A.

These events can help you ask those last-minute questions or gain additional insights into aspects you’d like to include on your application. Check the virtual events listing on our website for more details and dates. 

2. Update your resume.

If you’re like many people, your resume only gets an update when you are considering a job transition. However, one of the key components of your application to our Weekend Executive MBA program is your work experience, so updating your resume is crucial.

We look at the quality of your experience, not just the quantity. Make sure your resume demonstrates to the admissions committee your latest industry skills, achievements, and how your experience will add to our MBA community. We do not have a formal required resume format, however, if you are interested in a Fuqua template, we are happy to send one to you. For individuals who have many years of work experience we know it can be hard to reduce your resume down to one page, so we will accept two pages.

The most important takeaway is to have a resume that works as much for you as you have worked for it!

3. Prepare for your interview.

An admissions interview is a requirement for an application to our Weekend Executive MBA program. The interview can take place at any point during the application process, and it is where you bring your application to life. The interviews are with a member of the Executive MBA admissions committee and are a conversational discussion about your career, why you are pursuing your MBA, and how Fuqua plays into those goals. All interviews are currently being conducted via video-conference.

We look forward to joining you on this journey as you apply to business school.