Duke Weekend Executive MBA Student Blog
How Teamwork Enriches My Fuqua Experience

When my husband and I relocated to the Raleigh area in the fall of 2022, it seemed like the perfect time to pursue an MBA. I had been considering it for a few years as I moved throughout the Midwest, working in various supply management and operations roles with John Deere. My husband and I met while working in Wisconsin through the work golf league, and the decision to get an MBA was a step we took together. I am fortunate that he is also in my Fuqua cohort!

As a Supply Base Manager on Deere’s Strategic Sourcing team, I really enjoy getting to work with and support those in our global factories. I knew an MBA would help me excel in my current role and develop skills to advance my career, but our community in the Weekend Executive MBA program and at Fuqua is arguably the best part.
Team Fuqua—this is a phrase you may hear during a conversation with alumni, current students, or faculty members as you discuss Duke and business school. But what does “Team Fuqua” really mean? And how does it impact your experience as a student? For me, Team Fuqua is a real thing, and it has shaped my experience in the Weekend Executive MBA program.
Building Close Connections with Classmates
A unique part of Fuqua’s Weekend Executive MBA program is that it is a hybrid program. One weekend a month, we spend Thursday evening through Sunday early afternoon together on campus. Another weekend per month, we have a hybrid Saturday where you can go to campus or you can choose to log in remotely. The in-person option is great for those of us who are local, but you can be located anywhere!
In the program, we worked with the same team of classmates for the first and second terms. During orientation week, time is dedicated to getting to know each other and team-building activities. (I won’t give away any spoilers because it is so fun!) This helped us to quickly gain insight into how we can communicate with each other, and in what ways we may have to adjust our styles of working to fit our new teammates.

After the first two terms, we joined a new team. With the first part of the program under our belts, we got to know each other by sharing our working styles and potential areas of expertise from our diverse work backgrounds for the upcoming courses. This has been valuable to help support one another by enabling experts to contribute input on team assignments, offering support to others in learning a course concept, or enabling a team member to take the lead when they want to ensure they are understanding the material. I really enjoyed hearing how each person’s previous team experience was and how they worked best with each other as it helped build our understanding of how to come together as a new team and use best practices from each other.
Here’s what I have learned from my experiences working in teams so far.
1. Communication is key.
Taking time to get to know your teammates is crucial. Knowing what is important to them outside of classwork can make a difference in how we work together. Sharing what times may be off limits due to family time, work travel, or special events allowed our team to schedule meeting times conducive to all team members. It also helped us identify areas where we could flex workloads for assignments if needed. Finding a time to meet for group assignments can vary by each team, and how each team prepares for team meetings can vary too.
2. Not only is communication key, but listening is too!
With students also having full-time careers, our time is finite, so being intentional during virtual sessions helps maximize everyone’s time. We dedicate time at the beginning of meetings for a team check-in and share what is going on outside of schoolwork that may impact our experience. While this team is a way to grow our professional networks, it is also a new support system ready to offer insight to solve a personal challenge, bring new ideas, and celebrate success!

3. Residency weekends are the highlight of the program.
Getting to spend a few days in person with our cohort is always impactful, whether it’s learning from someone in class that contributes to a case discussion, exercising with a friend with walks through the Duke gardens or playing pickleball, or getting to know someone better during a social committee activity, like learning some new dance moves celebrating Diwali! Dedicating part of residency weekends on campus to spending time with my team has been my favorite part of my experience. Planning to eat lunch together or going to dinner offsite has been a great way for us to build our relationships and the Team Fuqua dynamic.
I have been so appreciative of the perspectives and knowledge my classmates bring, and the ability to connect with the larger Duke network in the Weekend Executive MBA program. When deciding to apply, I questioned if it was the right time and if I could successfully balance work and the program; looking back, I know joining the Fuqua program is the best decision I could have made. I’m looking forward to staying in touch with my cohort and planning reunion trips to keep Team Fuqua alive post-graduation!