Duke Daytime MBA Student Blog
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Sharing My Faith at Fuqua
As part of its focus on shaping future leaders who embrace diversity, I was happy to see that Fuqua offers many resources to students with religious identities.

Team Fuqua Carried Me to an Ironman Finish
Team Fuqua is much more than a saying, and nothing made this clearer than during triathlon training.

Embracing Diversity and Supporting the Latinx Community at Fuqua
While Fuqua offers a wealth of diversity, it has also given me a space to reconnect and support my Latinx peers.

Partnering with Alumni to Create New Opportunities for Students
Because of the sense of community Fuqua generates, successful alumni aim to give back.

Connecting With Classmates Through Cultural Experiences
The biggest takeaway from this journey for me is that I know I have so many people who support me and will advocate for me, for Taiwanese, and for East Asians.

Being an MBA Partner in the Fuqua Community
The friendliness we experienced during BDW continued after we moved to Durham and joined the big Fuqua family. Johnny soon made great friends at school and I have made good friends by attending partner-friendly activities during orientation and gatherings hosted by the Fuqua Partners club.

How Team Fuqua Empowered Me to Be My Authentic Self
As a queer woman in the process of coming out and earning an MBA in a new country, I was worried about being accepted and being able to live my life to the fullest, both professionally and personally.

What is Fuqua Friday?
As the clock rushes towards the end of classes on Fridays, students across Fuqua get a little excited to head over to the Fox Center...it’s Fuqua Friday!

From a Marching Band to Fuqua, How I Learned to Value Teams
After being away from the university environment for five years, I missed that feeling of being a part of something greater than myself.

How I Achieved My Goal of Pursuing an MBA in the U.S.
I always dreamed of studying in the U.S., so I wanted an MBA program that had a community spirit.