Duke MMS Student Blog
Corporate Tour Opportunity: Welcome to Facebook!

What a great way to end Spring Break this past year by touring around the Facebook campus in lovely Menlo Park, CA! The Career Management Center (CMC), with the help of Career Ambassadors (students who assist with career-related activities), provided us a great opportunity to be able to either job shadow or take a company tour of MMS alum’s current workplaces. Two current MMSers and I were fortunate to visit Lucas Chapin MMS ’11 at his workplace – known as none other than Facebook!
As we entered through the main building, we logged in as guests through their internal Facebook system, and met Lucas in the lobby. We began our tour by walking outside in the fresh air. It’s very similar to a college campus where there are buildings surrounding a central walkway, and people walking, or even biking, everywhere.

As we walked towards the other end, we saw many exciting places! First, we saw a cute dessert shop, where we visited later in the day for some dessert following lunch. On the opposite side was the main cafeteria, Epic. Epic provides a different cuisine almost every day, and always has a salad bar. There were also free drinks that could be found all over the campus if we were thirsty. In addition, there are other places to eat such as Burger Shack, Harvest (where local produce is used), and coffee shops.

In addition to providing employees with the convenience of food and free snacks every day, Facebook also has an arcade, a wood shop, rental bikes, a health center and gym, on-site health professionals, and even dry cleaning services. Having all these amenities present on the Facebook campus allows employees to focus on their work without having to worry about traveling far to get food, doing their laundry, or getting a gym membership.
Work hard, play hard. This mantra seemed to be the overall feel of Facebook. There was definitely the fun portion of the workspace, but the employees are also very hard-working people really committed to what they do. We were able to meet with a few Facebook employees, and they absolutely love what they do and enjoy being a part of Facebook. I’m so glad we were given this opportunity to be able to visit Facebook’s campus over Spring Break.