Duke Weekend Executive MBA Student Blog
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My Experience in a Fuqua Non-Degree Program Inspired Me To Pursue My MBA
If there is something you’d like to learn about, my advice is not to hesitate on taking advantage of any educational opportunities.

Chasing Big Goals: Mindset is Everything
Whether it’s prepping for an accounting midterm in the Weekend Executive MBA program or founding a company, our ability to succeed comes down to mindset.

From the U.S. Navy to Financial Services: How an MBA is Helping My Career Change
I had little to no exposure to subjects like managerial accounting or financial management as a military officer, but I am able to learn about them now at Fuqua.

A Day in My Life During an Elective Residency
A busy day during an elective residency starts with an early run with my Weekend Executive MBA classmates.

Why We Wanted To Be Admissions Liaisons
Not only do we experience the power of teams as we progress through our classes, but we work in teams to accomplish our extracurricular goals as well.

The Value of In-Person Residencies
The ability to work and study together on campus was an experience that was invaluable to my time in the program.

Lessons Learned Dangling 30 Feet Above Ground
Life is challenging, but when you have a cheerleader on your team or someone who believes in you despite your flaws or fears, you can do what seems impossible.

Aspiring for Authenticity as an Executive MBA Student
As I looked ahead to a full term of new classes, a demanding schedule at work and a long list of summer activities for my toddlers, I wondered how I’d manage it all.

How I Gained the Courage to Switch Careers
Seeing the courage of my classmates who took on new opportunities with the skills they acquired in the program inspired me to do the same.

An Academic Path Paved by Failure (Again and Again)
My hope isn’t that you see this as a story about overcoming obstacles through creativity and dogged perseverance. Instead, I hope to destigmatize the importance of being authentic to who you are.