Duke Weekend Executive MBA Student Blog
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Inspiring More Women to Pursue an MBA
I remember a few years ago when I began considering this process, I had no women colleagues who had even considered pursuing an MBA.

Operation MBA: A Veteran’s Struggle with Imposter Syndrome
The truth is that every student, regardless of their military background, may have feelings of uncertainty going into an MBA program.

2 Stories of Lifelong Learning
I am sharing two stories with the hopes that one of them will resonate with you and help you reflect on your own journey.

3 Benefits of Talking with Admissions One-on-One
Our admissions team can help you decide which MBA format would work best with your schedule, what is the best return on investment for your career aspirations, or if the Fuqua network is aligned with your values.

Forming Lifelong Friendships Over Residency
When I decided to go back to school for my MBA, I had three goals: improve my leadership skills, expand my knowledge of business, and meet new people.

Accepting Imperfect Timing
When it comes to going back to school, the monster of imperfect timing rears its head and then offers many excuses.

Experiencing Life as a Student Before You Enroll
You’ve done your research – attended information sessions, connected with Fuqua’s admissions team, and perhaps even some students and alumni. Now you can experience life as a student.

Unlocking the True Strength of a Team
It wasn’t until I came to Fuqua, that I understood there was one more stage we should be striving to achieve, one of interdependence.

Running 100 Miles and Building a Career—No Easy Wins
I was in the middle of the Weekend Executive MBA program and realized that walking into first-term courses like financial accounting reminded me of the uncertainty at the starting line of a race.

Tips for Networking Within the Fuqua Community
The greatest strength of the Weekend Executive MBA program is what you can gain from really getting to know your classmates. Here’s how I recommend tapping into the power of that network.