Duke Weekend Executive MBA Student Blog
Invest in Yourself
Have you been struck from out of the blue? Well I have.
One fine day in January 2014, I was contemplating my future and suddenly a thought struck me. I realized that I was relying on very slow incremental growth, which was not enough. My technical graduate degree had boosted my career thus far, but now I needed new thrusters to go further.
That day I decided to broaden my horizon. The best way to do this was to go to business school, even if it meant I had to take the GMAT after a long 20-year hiatus from college.
I wanted to continue my 15-year specialization in the field of health care, go to the best business school, study under the best faculty, and be in midst of the smartest brains. Duke’s Weekend Executive MBA was the logical choice.
I applied in December 2014 was very thrilled to receive the admission call from Krystin Fleming in early January, while I was away in India. I am very proud and humbled to be part of Duke—and I still have that voicemail!
If you are reading his blog, you’re likely a prospective MBA student with the same thirst—to do something even greater in life. Be bold and go pursue your dreams. Everything is possible if you have the desire. After all, if you don’t invest in yourself, who will?